Tuesday, July 24, 2012


We concluded our tour visiting a church, enjoying more countryside, and the appearance of Mt. Hood in a distance.  Could not have asked for a better day.  Well, one more great adventure was shopping at Christine Alexander .... now have a few more beautiful "bling things!"

Here are the last of the photographs taken while on adventure in Woodburn, Oregon.  Hope you've enjoyed the ride with us.  Today (Tuesday) we are on our way to Winchester Bay, Oregon.  One last night out of state before being back in California.

St. Boniface Catholic Church
Sublimity, Oregon

Established 1889

Established 1880

Sacred Hearts Shrine

Turner, Oregon

Mt. Hood Making Its Appearance

Mt. Hood is Huge
Certainly Dominates the Landscape

Now It Was Off to Shop
Great Ending to Another
Wonderful Day of Adventure

1 comment:

  1. Hello Marge, I am the webmaster for the Saint Boniface website (http://www.saintboniface.net) and I very impressed of the pictures you took of our parish (Saint Boniface). Please email me (florida.strobels@gmail.com) with your contact information as I wish to request permission to use your images on our website. Thank you and God bless, George
